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Revolutionizing River Health: Real-time Remote Monitoring Across 170 Indonesian Rivers

With over 275 million people depending on its waterways, Indonesia faces a critical challenge: 59% of its rivers are heavily polluted. The challenge is that traditional water sampling methods are slow and inefficient, delaying the urgent action needed to address pollution crises.

With over 275 million people depending on its waterways, Indonesia faces a critical challenge: 59% of its rivers are heavily polluted.

Game Changing Remote Monitoring Initiative

Photonic Measurements and PT Cakrawala Bima Instrument have teamed up to launch a breakthrough initiative: real-time, remote water quality monitoring for 170 rivers across Indonesia.

PT Cakrawala Bima Instrument with Davy Simms, Sales Director Photonic Measurements

Davy Simms travelled to Bandung, Indonesia this month to launch the initiative. The three-day training event brought together environmental experts, engineers and local stakeholders. 

Participants received hands-on guidance in deploying IoT sensors, customizing systems for diverse river conditions, and collaborating on sustainable water management strategies.

By deploying IoT-enabled water quality sensors, this project provides continuous, actionable data, eliminating the delays of manual sampling. The system sends immediate alerts when pollution spikes, enabling rapid, targeted action to protect water health.

Why Remote Monitoring Matters:

This remote monitoring solution empowers local stakeholders to make data-driven decisions and respond faster to pollution events, driving a new era of proactive river stewardship.

With real-time data at their fingertips, Indonesia can protect its rivers, safeguard ecosystems, and ensure sustainable water for future generations.

"Clean rivers are achievable when collaboration, community, and technology come together. With real-time monitoring and collective action, we can protect vital ecosystems and local livelihoods." Davy Simms, Head of Sales, Photonic Measurements

A 2024 report with recommendations for mitigating pollution within Indonesian rivers states that

“Community involvement and the use of recent technologies like IoT are two things that cannot be separated in mitigating river water pollution. The advantages of applying IoT for RWQM (Remote Water Quality Monitoring) include real-time accessible information on water quality. It makes data collection, analysis, and communication easier by providing an early warning system. In addition, the responsible parties are more efficient and effective in handling the water pollution problem.” Source: View Full Report

This partnership exemplifies how technology and collaboration can address global water challenges, setting a benchmark for sustainable river management worldwide.


PT Cakrawala Bima Instrument

A leader in sustainable environmental solutions, CB Instruments specializes in deploying innovative technologies to support Indonesia’s environmental and sustainability goals. 

Photonic Measurements

Photonic Measurements specializes in innovative water quality instrumentation, offering solutions for real-time, accurate data collection and actionable insights in water resource management globally.

We specialize in delivering cutting-edge solutions globally for processing, lab, and field environments, focusing on critical parameters like Nitrate, COD, UVT, UVA surrogates, TSS and MLSS.


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